Few Scientists Say that YOGA might lead to Mental Disorders and has other Harmful Effects

We all know that India is the land of YOGA and it has been applauded a lot all over the world. It is said that YOGA leads to good health and happiness. It also helps to maintain good physic, control mind and body. However few scientists have a different point in accordance with YOGA and says that it could lead to mental disorders. This news is a little shocking but these scientists gave reasons why YOGA might be harmful as well. So, lets look what are the things that are causing harmful effects in YOGA.

YOGA Cycle:

As we all know breathing process is the key element in YOGA. We breathe in air and hold it for few seconds and release it. This process continues for a longer period and said that it gives relaxation and peace of mind. But science says something different.

As you can see from the above picture we intake Oxygen from air and this is utilized by the human body and we release CO2 in return which is consumed by plants.

Generally we intake O2(Oxygen) which further converts in CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) in the human body. In the YOGA cycle we hold the air for few seconds, in this period the air we take O2 converts in CO2. So the air which we are actually holding is CO2 in our body. As we all know CO2 is harmful for human body and holding it longer period sometimes can lead to unconsciousness, leads to mental disorders and in rare cases it might lead to death. So, scientifically speaking this process has harmful effects and might lead to mental disorders.

However, in YOGA there are other exercises like body stretching is good for health and has several health benefits but breathing process is proved to be wrong scientifically.  You can practice all other YOGA asanas except the breathing process.

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