Have you ever seen how a suicide bomber (terrorist) feel before he blew himself up in an attack? If no, then watch this video in which a young suicide bomber’s last moments are recorded. Harrowing video footage shows how he burst into tears when ordered to blow himself up during an attack. The video released by the Imam Bukhari Jamaat on September 20. Have a look!
Before a young terrorist (suicide bomber) blew himself up in Syria, he cried as other twisted militants comforted him about the fates of his victims. The frightened fighter, named as an Jafar al-Tayyar, from Uzbekistan, hugged militants before climbing into a vehicle strapped with explosives as creepy music played. Before closing the top of the car, al-Tayyar looked out and sobbed, his face scrunched in fear.
In the middle of the video a fellow militant says: “Jafar, my brother, don’t be afraid. When you are scared, remember Allah”. Tayyar replied, “I’m just scared I won’t succeed.”
But the footage shows he does succeed – and an earth-shattering explosion rocks the camera at the end of the video.