Zuckerberg Knew Steve Job’s Warning Over Privacy Rules, Facebook Scandal Proves His Carelessness

Following the recent data breach scandal by Social Media platform, Facebook, the #DeleteFacebook started trending over social media. And as a result many people are deciding to delete their accounts on Facebook.

After the massive data scandal by political analytics firm Cambridge Analytica firm, which is linked to Donald Trump’s election campaign and also the Leave campaign in the Brexit referendum, many people around the world lost trust in the social media giant. The data analytics firm has harvested about 50 million user’s data without their prior consent.

If anyone remembers, the then CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs (who died in 2011), he warned that the privacy rules need to be spelled out in ‘plain English and repeatedly’. He said this while he was speaking to the audience at a Wall Street Journal Conference, All Things Digital, in Los Angeles. Among the audience Mr Zuckerberg too was present.

At the same time, Facebook too was busy updating its privacy control and Google was under accusations of intercepting US data sent over unencrypted wi-fi routers, reports Quartz.

Jobs said:

“Silicon Valley is not monolithic. We’ve always had a very different view of privacy than some of our colleagues in the Valley.

Privacy means people know what they’re signing up for, in plain English, and repeatedly.  I’m an optimist; I believe people are smart, and some people want to share more data than other people do.

Ask them. Ask them every time. Make them tell you to stop asking them if they get tired of your asking them. Let them know precisely what you’re going to do with their data.

A lot of people in the Valley think we’re really old-fashioned about this, and maybe we are, but we worry about stuff like this.”

It was revealed, last week, that Zuckerberg net worth dropped a whopping $5.1 billion in the within few hours.

As the total stock dropping of Facebook was about 7 per cent, the founder of Facebook, was hid the hardest. Following the drop in market value by $37 billion, Zuckerberg’s net worth stands around $69.5 billion.

Zuckerberg made a statement on the Cambridge Analytica scandal case through his Facebook post, which is given as below:

“We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you.

I’ve been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

The good news is that the most important actions to prevent this from happening again today we have already taken years ago. But we also made mistakes, there’s more to do, and we need to step up and do it.”

Billionaire businessman Elon Musk took an anti-Facebook stance by deleting his own Facebook page, as well as the pages for both Tesla and SpaceX – of which he is CEO.

Deleting such accounts from the world’s biggest social media platform meant – leaving behind 2.6 million Likes and Follows of each. It can be termed to be a bold move.

Despite his anti-Facebook stance, Acton is the co-founder of WhatsApp which was acquired by Facebook in 2014.

Replying to this call to action, Musk quipped, “’What’s Facebook?”

“Should have listened to Jobs.”

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