Blue Origin Close To Launch Human for The First Time

From a while, Blue Origin has tested out a rocket, on which it is planning to send humans into Space. Recently, it held its ninth test of its New Shepard Rocket. Which was held on Wednesday morning? In which they completed another proof of the vehicle’s escape system.



Future plans of the company.

For a while, the company has been looking forward to flying human. Flying them into space, for the first time. Which as per reports could be as soon as the end of the current year.

Where was the test held?

The company’s rocket’s booster and spacecraft. Took off from its launch site. Which is located in West Texas. The test launch took place after 11 am Eastern. After which they performed a test. Which was designed for ferry passenger? Which aims to have safety measures for the passengers. If any situation occurred, these safety measures would ensure, the safety of the passengers in the rocket. In the test, after the rocket had reached its threshold of the space.



The capsule in which passengers would be sitting fired away. Which resulted in the shooting of the capsule away from the booster. The maneuver, as per the company would push the rocket to its limits.

Who is the owner of the company?.

Jeff Bezos owns the company Blue Origin, besides from this also owns The Washington Post.

When can passengers expect to travel to space?

As per reports, the company will start selling tickets next year. For passengers who would wish to travel in a short flight. Which would be just past the edge of space. The passengers would witnesse, weightlessness. Apart from this, they would also be able to see the curvature of the Earth. However, the price of the tickets is not yet announced by the company.



Apart from Blue Origin. Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic has also been planning for such flights. As per the reports from the company. So far nearly 700 people have signed up for the flight to space. The price of the tickets here would be $250,000 (roughly Rs. 1.7 crores).