Earth’s New Geological Timescale called ‘Meghalayan Age.’

A group of scientist has defined a new geological time scale, which is called ‘Meghalayan Age.’ As per them, the period began 4,200 years ago. After which Earth experienced an abrupt mega-drought. Also, cooling all around the globe. The small climate event in Earth’s history is defined as ‘Meghalayan Age’ after scientist collected sediments from a stalagmite which was in cave in Meghalya. The team of a scientist is from an international team of researchers.



Impact of the event of agriculture-based society.

After the end of last Ice Age. There was much society formed which used revolve around agriculture. These societies were impacted severely, by the climate event which lasted 200 years. Which lead to the collapse of civilizations and human migrations in Egypt, Greece, Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and the Yangtze River Valley. Which is different from all the other events like this, as this is the only among most of them that resulted in such an outcome.

The evidence of which has been found all over the continents. Which proves the fact that Earth did a see a small climate event in the past. The Meghalaya Age is said to be the newest unit of the Geologic Time Scale after many years of research.

Other ages like this.



Apart from this two different ages, the Middle Holocene Northgrippian Age and the Early Holocene Greenlandian Age. Also got defined after reading climate events. Which had started 8,300 years and 11,700 years ago respectively?

How is the Meghalayan Age is unique?

As per Stanley Finney who is a professor at Long Beach State University in the US and Secretary General of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) in France. Said that the Meghalyan Age is unique among all, as it’s beginning coincides with a global cultural event produced by a global climatic event.

These finding has helped scientists to understand the past of our planet better. Meghalyan age has helped in the definition of the youngest unit of the Geologic Time Scale. As the most inexperienced unit of the Geologic Time Scale is defined based on the timing of this events.


The new updates help understanding more about Earth’s full geological history.