Ghostly Particles Gives Scientist Understanding of The Cosmos

As per a study, a breakthrough regarding the Ghostly Particles. Which is called high-energy neutrinos. It traverses space between people, plants, and animals. Has now giving scientists a new way to understand the Cosmos.



What does the scientist say?

As per the study, researchers on this Thursday gave a statement. In which they said that for the very first time they were able to locate a deep-space source of these ghostly particles. According to them, they had detected very high-energy neutrinos in ice, deep below Antarctica’s surface. After which, they all tracked it’s source all the way back to a giant elliptical Galaxy. Which has a massive black hole right in the middle of it. Which is always spinning and black. It’s called Blazar. Which according to a scientist is located at a distance of 3.7 billion light-years from Earth.

How does this finding help?

Well, this finding helped in understanding, or many may call in solving of a mystery. Which is dated all the way back to 1912? When these subatomic particles dashed through cosmos. So far, as per reports, it seems like these particles come from the most violent places in our universe.


Stunning fact scientist said.

As per scientist, we are swimming in these neutrinos. As according to the hundreds of billions of these passes through us every second. They said that one hundred billion neutrinos might pass through your thumbnail every second. However, they would never hit atoms of your thumbnail. Almost like a ghost, accurately why they are called ghost Particles. These particles according to the Scientist pass through you but never hit a single atom of your body.

According to them, high energy neutrinos are made the same way as cosmic rays. The most energetic particle ever observed. However, different in key aspects from each other.



According to the scientist, same as charged ghostly particles. Cosmos cannot be traced back to its source. The reason for that is the magnetic field in space which alters their trajectory. Which makes there pathway unpredictable and unable to be tracked all the way back to its origin or source. Both behave in the same way, which allows the scientist to understand one while observing another.

Ghostly Particles Gives Scientist Understanding of The Cosmos

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