11-Year-Old Arnav Sharma Beats Albert Einstein And Stephen Hawking Scoring 162 In Mensa’s IQ Test [WATCH VIDEO]

It has not even been a month that a South Indian has made world’s most light-weighted satellite. After this, here’s an another story of an Indian-origin boy who is currently making India proud.

This 11-year-old Arnav Sharma, who lives in the U.K. has secured the top possible score of 162 on a Mensa IQ test, which is two points higher than that of geniuses Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, making him one of the brainiest children in the world.

Arnav belongs to Reading town in southern England, he passed this infamously difficult test a few weeks back with zero preparation and had never seen what a typical paper looked like before taking it and, his mark in the exam, which primarily measures verbal reasoning ability, puts him in the top one percent of the nation in terms of IQ level, sources claimed.

“The Mensa test is quite hard and not many people pass it so do not expect to pass, I took the exam at the Salvation center and it took about two and a half hours,” said Arnav.

“I had no preparation at all for the exam but I was not nervous. My family was surprised but they were also very happy when I told them about the result” said the 11-Year-Old, adding that he’s not at all nervous.

Meanwhile, his mother, Meesha Dhamija Sharma, said she kept her “fingers crossed” for the exam. “I was thinking what is going to happen because you never know and he had never seen what a paper looks like,” she said.

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Video Source: WION

“He was counting up to more than 100. That was when I stopped teaching him because I came to know that there is no end to his numbers, however, it was not until he was two-and-a-half years old that she became aware of his mathematical prowess” she concluded.

Later, when asked about whether there was anyone else in the family with an unusually high IQ, she could recall one. “His dad is quite clever as well but not as clever,” she said.

Post this, sources claim that Arnav has been selected for Eton College and Westminster, both well-known colleges in U.K.