NASA Wants To Send Your Name To Sun, Invites Public

NASA is sending your name to travel through the Sun`s atmosphere going through the brutal heat and radiations. Here is your chance to send your names to NASA to enter into sun`s space.

NASA is inviting people around the world to submit their names online to be placed on a microchip abroad the solar probe which is launching this summer.

“This probe will journey to a region humanity has never explored before,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, who is an Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

“This mission will answer questions scientists have sought to uncover for more than six decades,” Zurbuchen added.

NASA has renamed the Spacecraft from Solar Probe Plus to the Parker Solar Probe in honor of the astrophysicist Eugene Parker.

“Parker Solar Probe is, quite literally, the fastest, hottest — and, to me, coolest — mission under the Sun,” said project scientist Nicola Fox of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland, US.

“This incredible spacecraft is going to reveal so much about our star and how it works that we’ve not been able to understand,” she added.