Solar Eclipse About To Happen in July, Here is Everything You Need To Know

Solar Eclipse or Surya Grahan is a celestial event, in which moon comes between earth and sun. Covering sun wholly or partially.



When is it happening in July?

Well, this year July is set to see not just one but two celestial events. First people will be able to witness a solar eclipse which is about to happen on 13th July. This will be the second solar eclipse of the year. The first one which some people may have missed was in January. Secondly, in July people will be able to see Blood Moon 2018 which is touted to be century’s longest total lunar eclipse.

How can you watch it from India?

The solar eclipse is slated to take place on July 13th. It will be visible in Western Australia and other neighboring islands. However, in India, the solar eclipse will only be a partially visible solar eclipse or Anshik Surya Grahan. People in India can watch the eclipse through LIVE web stream of NASA.



What is the timing in India?

People may not be able to watch it entirely in India unless they watch it live from NASA. The partial eclipse will begin on July 13 at 07:18 am and the last location to see the partial eclipse would be at 08:13 am.

What should we not do during this time period?

Scientist and Astronomers suggest not to watch the eclipse directly by naked eyes. It is dangerous to see solar eclipse through naked eyes, and it can also damage the vision. One can use eye protection like sunglasses, x-ray film or special eclipse glasses to witness the eclipse.



The reason for that is simple, and the sun outputs way more power than our naked eyes can handle. Moreover, when we expose our eyes directly to the sun. It can be very damaging to the eyes. Also, may cause permanent vision problem or possibly even loss of vision gradually. The only time it is safe to take a peek is during a total eclipse, but that could also be so dangerous as you may never know when the sun will come from behind of the moon.

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