The ‘Ironman’ of India: Milind Soman Completes Toughest Triathlon In The World At 50

Model and Actor Milind Soman, who is 50 has won the Ironman title at a triathlon held in Zurich in Switzerland on July 19. The participants of this event were over 2,000 in which there are seven Indians. Milind made the country proud by successfully completing the Ironman Triathlon. This Triathlon is considered as one of the most difficult one-day sporting events in the world and the one of the world’s toughest races.

Milind Soman is a man who has always surprised youngsters by doing such youthful events in his life. The triathlon includes a 3.8-km swim, a 180.2-km cycle ride and 42.2-km run raced in that order without a break which the participants are required to complete within 16 hours to win the title of ‘Ironman’. Milind Soman completed the triathlon in 15 hours and 19 minutes who took part for first time.

“If you are sufficiently aware and monitor your body’s response at every stage in terms of nutrition and pace, it will all come together. I wanted to gift myself something special in my 50th year and I am glad I could do this. I prepared really well and it was a great experience. The challenge was to complete the cycling segment in less than eight hours since it is a new activity for me and there was a cut-off time to follow to.

The swim in Lake Zurich was great and the 42-km run is something that I have been doing for years,” Soman said. Out of the seven Indians who participated in the race, five of them have completed the race. Successfully leading the contingent was 11-time winner of Ironman title, Pune’s Dr Kaustubh Radkar, who completed the race in 12 hours and 32 minutes.

This is Dr Radkar’s 12th Ironman title which now qualifies him for the Hawaii Ironman World Championship to be held in 2017. “The weather kept changing. Early morning, it rained and then it was very hot and is now busy preparing for Ironman Boulder to be held on August 2 at Colorado,” said Radkar.