‘Monty’ The Python Regrets Swallowing a Beach Towel as the Vets Had To Later Yank Out Of Him 

‘Monty’ The Python Regrets Swallowing a Beach Towel as the Vets Had To Later Yank Out Of Him 

Snakes are frightening. Snakes are baffling. Snakes are additionally exceptionally moronic. We don’t intend to outrage any snakes out there. However, once you discover what this 18-year-old python did, you may very well concur with…

Watch: Vets Pull Out Beach Towel That Was Swallowed By Massive Python

Watch: Vets Pull Out Beach Towel That Was Swallowed By Massive Python

Pythons are known for capable of swallowing food that is twice their size, which makes them extremely deadly, but due to the waste that humans produce, the snakes are swallowing other things too. In the…
