20 Most Commonly Used Chat Acronyms Or Text Shorthands

In this generation of online communications, we often see hundreds of millions of people texting regularly through Short Messaging Services (SMS) or Internet chats such as Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter, and many other chatting applications. With these online text-based communications, came the emergence of a new texting language on the Internet.

Short forms for various phrases are often used because they are easy to type and they save time. Here are some common shorthands or chat abbreviations along with their meaning.


ASAP - Most Commonly Used Chat Acronyms

2. ASL

ASL- Most Commonly Used Chat Acronyms

3. BTW

BTW - Most Commonly Used Chat Acronyms

4. CUL

5. DoB

6. FYI@


8. LOL


10. ROFL

11. MYOB

12. Plz

13. RUP

14. TTYL

15. TYAL

16. W8

17. *WS

18. WTH


20. ^5

How many of these Short hands do you know?