Effective Tips And Tricks That Will Help You Protect Your Phone From Getting Scratches, Broken Screen, Damaged, And Dents

Keeping your phone protected at all times is really important, it’s something that you carry around with you all the time, and it’s like a safe that has all your personal belongings in. In 2019, we use our smartphones to call our friends and relatives, use it as a research tool, for time, to find answers, and more. The number of things we can do on our smartphones is limited only to our thinking capabilities, the features our phone have varies on the type of smartphone you have. If you have an iPhone, you love it for your camera, if you have a Samsung phone, you love it because of its amazing screen and advanced features, and if you have OnePlus, you love its cause it’s the best bang for the buck phone that you can buy.

To help you keep your phone safe from getting dents, scratches, broken or shattered screens, and damages, we bring you tips and tricks that will help you keep your phone protected.

Here Are 5 Effective Tips And Tricks That Will Help You Protect Your Phone From Getting Scratches, Broken or Shattered Screen, And Dents


  1. Buy A Glass Guard

If you have a flagship device, it’s a no brainer that you should have a glass guard or screen protector on it. Having a glass guard on your mobile phone can help you keep your screen from getting shattered, broke, getting scratches, and getting dents. A small pressure can damage your screen, and if you have a $1000 phone with you, you better buy one.


  1. Buy A Protective Shock-Proof Case

Your phone may have a case, but is it shock-proof? Don’t go with style when it comes to buying a case for your expensive phone. Instead, you should buy a case that strong, durable, sturdy, and that offers shock-proof protection.

You can buy Spigen, Ringke, capdase, and many more. Don’t worry about their price, if you have an expensive phone, buying a case that’s a bit expensive won’t hurt you that much.


  1. Use A Micro-Fiber Cloth For Your Screen

Instead of using a cloth that you have in your house, buy a microfiber cloth that is made especially for screens. A micro-fiber cloth will keep your screen protected from getting scratches when you clean it. Usually, when you buy a glass screen protector for your screen, it comes with a free high-quality micro-fiber cloth.


  1. If You Don’t Like Cases, Go Get A Skin

If you hate heavy screen cases, you can always go with a skin. Quality skins are capable of protecting the back and the sides of your smartphone. One good thing about them is that you can get any type of design printed as a skin, and you can place it on the back of your phone.

But before you buy a skin, make sure the company that makes them is a well-known company for skins. If you live in Canada and the United States, you can always opt for D-Brand.


  1. Buy A Water-Proof Case If You Love Swimming

If you love swimming, and you don’t want to get your phone damaged from water, you should buy a water-proof case. Your phone has an IP rating, but they are only meant to work for a specific amount of time, and a specific amount of depth in water. To enhance the security measures of your phone, get a water-proof case.

The only downside with this case is that the touchscreen of your phone may not work properly once underwater. The more you go down, the more pressure comes, and your phone’s touch screen won’t work as it does above water.