“1 Billion Times More Sensitive Than Alcohol Breathalyzers”: This Marijuana Breathalyzer Can Tell How Stoned You Are

A new marijuana breathalyzer, which is being called a “game-changer”, has been invented, and it is capable of telling how stoned you are.

According to experts, the new marijuana breathalyzer is a “billion” times more sensitive that breathalyzers that are used to check alcohol levels in humans.

The new breathalyzer was made after weed is being widely legalized for recreational use.

The new breathalyzer will help stop prevent marijuana-related car accidents.

Christopher Leusner, the head of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, said, “With alcohol if you have over 0.08% in your blood, there’s the presumption that you’re intoxicated. There hasn’t been a blood test or a breath test that can determine if you’re impaired by marijuana.”

Recreational marijuana is now legal in a number of states and countries, and according to Hound Labs Inc. the maker of the breathalyzer, the breathalyzer will help increase the security of drivers and other people who are on the road.

The new breathalyzer is capable of picking up THC, the psychoactive ingredient in Marijuana, that is present in the breath of a driver.

According to the website of the company, “The Hound breathalyzer is 1 billion times more sensitive than today’s alcohol breathalyzers.”

The tests were developed with the help of Mike Lynn, an A&E physician, and a reserve deputy sheriff, at the University of California Berkeley and San Francisco.

The breathalyzer is going to show if a person had smoked or had an edible food that contains marijuana in the last few hours just from their breath.

Mike said, “It’s about creating a balance of public safety and fairness. I’ve seen the tragedies resulting from impaired driving up close. And I have a good idea how challenging it is at the roadside to know whether someone smoked pot recently. But I believe if someone is not stoned, they shouldn’t be arrested.”

The breathalyzer is capable of detecting a low amount of THC.

It took them 5 years to develop the device. The marijuana device costs around $5000 and its single-use cartridge costs $20 each.

Mike said, “Employers have the same fundamental problems as law enforcement. They need to maintain a safe workplace, but not have to worry about what their employees do in their free time. Someone can go home, smoke pot just like I’d enjoy a glass of wine, and not test positive.”

Mike added, “Employers are facing a workforce now that has close to full employment. They don’t want to be firing valuable workers, especially for something that’s legal in most states.”

The marijuana breathalyzer is going to be used by authorities in the United States next year.