15-Year-Old Massachusetts Teen Beheaded Classmate In Jealous Rage

A 15-year-old Massachusetts teen beheaded his schoolmate who he though slept with his girlfriend.

Mathew Borges was just 15-years-old in November 2016 when he cut off the head and hands of 16-year-old Lee Manuel Viloria-Paulino.

15-year-old Mathew killed Lee, who was a sophomore in Lawrence High School at the time, in a jelous rage after the teen though Lee slept with his girlfriend.

Mathew also thought that Lee was the reason why the 2 split up.

According to Jay Gubitose, the Assistant DA said, Lee texted his former girlfriend and said “I think of killing someone and I smirk … It’s all I think about every day.”

He added, “I see people I don’t like [and] that comes to mind. I’m going insane.”

Before brutally murdering 16-year-old Lee, Mathew texted the girl and said, “The next time you see me, look at my eyes because that’s the last time they’ll be like that. They’ll be dead.”

A day after the text messages were sent, 16-year-old Lee went missing.

His decapitated body was found by a man who was on a walk with his dog. The head of Lee was then found in a bag near his decapitated body.

A CCTV footage that was recovered by the investigating officers showed Lee and Mathew walking towards the river.

But Mathew said that he and Lee went to the river to smoke marijuana.

Lee Manuel Viloria-Paulino, 16

Mathew Borges was arrested by the police after they recovered a journal from his home that said wear bags on their shoes and “kill him”.

Borges also wrote in the journal that he should call a couple of friends.

The Assistant District Attorney, Jay Gubitose, added, “The defendant told them he stabbed him to death and cut his head and hands off so he couldn’t be identified.”

Edward Hayden, the defense attorney, said the 15-year-old Borges could not butcher the Lee and added that the worse he could do is stealing from Lee’s home.

The defense lawyer also said that witnesses who are going to say Mathew committed the murder are not reliable.

17-year-old Mathew Borges

Katiuska Paulino, the mother of the victim, said that Mathew should never have the opportunity to kill again.

In her statement to the court, heartbroken Paulino said, “From the moment the news became public all we have heard is an outpouring of sentiments echoing the facts that we knew to be true. Lee was a sincere, loving, responsible, charismatic, and altruistic young man on the verge of seizing life and many, many goals.”

She added, “Every day we struggle with the fact his life was cut too short. We drove ourselves crazy trying to make sense of what had been done. With him gone we feel like we can’t breathe… Lee Manuel… was our oxygen.”

The judge sentenced Borges to 2 life sentences and ordered him to serve a minimum of 30 years to life in prison before he could get a chance of parole.

Paulino, the mother of the victim, said that there is no sentence that could bring back her son.