99% Of People Fail To Spot Mistake In This Picture. Can You Find Out?

The simplest mistakes are often the hardest to spot. Here in this picture, there is only 1 simple mistake, but it is so cleverly hidden. It will be very difficult for most to see. Try yourself if you can find out! If you find out in 5 seconds, then you’re a genius.

Ready for the challenge? Here’s the image!

Can you find out the mistake in this image (2)

Take a good look and see if you can find the mistake. I mean, really take a good look. Or else, you would really hate yourself to see the answer and wonder why you never saw it before.

Do you see it?


Can you find out the mistake in this image (7)

Cracking up your heads?

Can you find out the mistake in this image (6)

Most would’ve possibly looked up for every possible error like the sequence of numbers, colours, spellings but missed out on very obvious! After finding out the answer, it would seem so simple. ROLL ON!

Still Looking?

Can you find out the mistake in this image (9)

Don’t be too angry if you don’t get the answer! It’s absolutely okay for not having to identify the mistake. A lot of us tend to miss out on such minuscule of error! But try it out!

Okay. Calm down! We’ll show you the answer!

Can you find out the mistake in this image (8)

Well, Kudos to those who already found the mistake. For those who couldn’t scroll down to know the answer!

Can you find out the mistake in this image (11)

Here it is! Those who gave up, you should see it now!

As you see, the simplicity of the mistake—the fact that the “the”s are on the different line and the bright numbers make it very easy to miss the repeated word. It’s not a big deal, sometimes, things just don’t pop up from our brains!

Be sure to share this image with your friends to see if they can figure out the issue. Then find out how long it took them. Enjoy!