Alternate Reading Of The Mayan Calendar Suggests End Of The World Will Be Happening Next Week

The Coronavirus Pandemic, locusts, black lives matter protests, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes have bombarded the year of 2020, which many believe is the worst year of the generation.

To top those things off, we bring you something more horrible.

The alternate reading of the Mayan Calendar suggests that the end of the world will be happening next year.

According to experts, the reading of the Mayan Calendar was wrong, and as we all know the world did not end on December 21, 2012.

The new one suggests that the Mayan Doomsday will be happening next week or the next next week.

Well, okay folks, I’m going to live my last days in peace.

Paolo Tagaloguin, a scientist, said:

Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012… The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days… For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years.

The statement that Paolo released were made on Twitter, however, they have been removed since they became viral.

If the calculations of Paolo are correct, the Mayan doomsday will be happening this week or probably next week.

Originally, doomsday theorists were convinced that the world was going to end on December 21, 2012.

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