American Hunter who killed a rare Black Giraffe in South Africa says she ate the animal and adds “He was delicious!”

38-year-old Tess Thompson Talley, a shameless trophy hunter, said that she has no regrets in killing a black giraffe, which caused outrage on various social media platforms.

The American trophy hunter killed a rare black giraffe, the 38-year-old even has a picture of her and the animal together.

When Tessa appeared on CBS, she said the “animals are put there for us, we harvest them, we eat them.”

When the trophy hunter was asked about killing a black giraffe, she said “He was delicious.”

The 38-year-old then got the gun case that she made by using the giraffe’s skin.

She said, “This is a part of the black giraffe that I shot, something I could take around with me, and have on my hunts.”

Talley added, “I also have decorative pillows made out of him, and everybody loves them.”

The hunter also took part in a debate with Gayle King and a group of panelists.

During the debate, Talley said, “We are preserving… we are managing herds, we’re managing numbers of wildlife.”

She then added, “I am proud to be a hunter, and I’m proud to hunt, and I am proud of [killing] that giraffe.”

The pictures of her standing next to a dead black giraffe were shared by an account called Africa Digest.

The account called Talley a “White American Savage”.

They said, “White American savage who is partly a neanderthal comes to Africa and shoots down a very rare black giraffe courtesy of South Africa stupidity.”