Australian Man Breaks Own Record After Spending Over 150 Minutes In Box Filled With Ice Cubes

For most of us, spending over 2 hours in a box that is filled with ice cubes is something that we would never thing of considering the fact that it will hurt like hell, however, that was not the case with a man in Australia.

Josef Koeberl, a man from Australia, managed to stay in a box filled with ice for 2 hours 30 minutes, and 57 seconds.

He beat his own record for the longest full-body contact with ice cubes.

Over 200 kilograms of ice cubs were needed to fill up the custom-made box.

The man stood inside the box with only wearing swimming trunks. The ice reached up to his shoulders.

The amazing and very unusual stunt took in the town square of Melk in Lower Australia.

A small crowd of people gathered there to watch Josef beat his own record.

In 2019, he spent 2 hours 8 minutes, and 47 seconds inside the ice.

The previous record was held by Jin Songha, a Chinese Athlete, he managed to spend 1 hour 53 minutes and 10 seconds in a box filled with ice.

Koeberl managed to smash his own record, and his team said that his personal record is also the current world record.

Koeberl holds the 1st and 2nd when it comes to exposing the body to the ice for as long as possible.

The temperature of the Australian man was monitored over the course of 2 hours and 30 minutes.

His health was also checked after he came out by officials.

An ambulance was also present there to make sure that he would be rushed to a hospital in case something went south.

When he was brought out the box by his team, Koeberl said that he felt the sun on his back right away.

He also went on to eat ice cream.

Imagine spending that much time in the cold and the first thing you eat or taste is ice cream.

During an interview with the press, Koeberl explained how he manages to stay in the cold waters that long.

He said:

I’m fighting the pain by visualising and drawing on positive emotions so I can dampen this wave of pain. That way I can endure.

If you think he is going to stop there, you are wrong.

Koeberl is currently planning to beat his own record one more time in Los Angeles, USA, in 2021.