Australian PE Teacher Gets Jailed For Kissing And Groping 14-Year-Old Boy

A 28-year-old PE teacher in Australia was jailed for kissing and groping a 14-year-old boy.

Katie Smith, the teacher, who is from the Hunter Valley region of NSW (New South Wales), was jailed after pleading guilty to grooming a child for unlawful sexual activity, indecently assaulting a person under 16, and intentionally sexually touching a child aged between 10 and 16.

Not only that, but the teacher also shared illicit images of herself on Snapchat.

In a storeroom and car park in NSW, the teacher kissed the boy and touched him outside his clothing.

As Judge Kara Shead sentenced her to spend 3 years and 10 months in jail, the PE teacher cried.

She will spend 2 years and 3 months in jail before she could apply for parole.

An official investigation was launched after the boy told his mother about their sexual encounters with each other.

When the police went to the house of the teacher, she had contacted the boy telling him to delete her number, warning him that they would get into trouble.

Smith told the court that she did not want to have sexual intercourse with the boy. Also, she said that she was not aroused by their exchanges.

She also said that she is having problems in her marriage.

The teacher said that she just wanted attention and was trying to get someone to tell her that “she was pretty”.

The teacher also said that she suffers from eating disorders and is obsessed when it comes to her appearance.

During her hearings, the teacher also mentioned that she would cry when she would look at herself in the mirror.

The teacher also claimed that she had been going through therapy.

However, the Judge said that sexual activity with a child, especially by teachers, will not be tolerated.

It was concluded that Smith was unlikely to commit the same crime in the future.