Barack Obama praises Sikh neuroscientist for being a proud “bisexual” and for wearing a “great” turban

Meet Jiwandeep Kohli, a graduate student in Clinical Psychology, an amateur baker, and a proud bisexual.

For the pride month, Kohli decided to go out with a rainbow turban.

Since Jiwandeep shared the picture of him wearing a PrideTurban on Twitter, the Neuroscientist has brought in all the admiration on the social media platform.

The tweet of Jiwandeep Kohli, a neuroscientist who said he is bisexual, went viral. He said, “I’m proud to be a bisexual bearded baking brain scientist.”

Jiwandeep then added, “I feel fortunate to be able to express all these aspects of my identity and will continue to work towards ensuring the same freedom for others.”

The neuroscientist, who lives in San Diego, shared a picture of him wearing a PrideTurban during the Pride Month.

When Barack Obama, the former president of the United States of America, saw his tweet, he said, “You’ve got a lot to be proud of, Jiwandeep. Thanks for everything you do to make this country a little more equal.”

The former president also gave a compliment to the turban of Jiwandeep, the former president said, “Turban looks great, by the way” before greeting everyone with “Happy Pride Month.”

The tweet of Jiwandeep Kohli has over 114 thousand likes and has been retweeted by nearly 16 thousand times.

During an interview with Buzzfeed, Jiwandeep said that he was really happy to “see so much positivity and welcome from so many people.”

The Pride month started on June 1 and is celebrated throughout the month to honors the LGBTQ Community.