Elephant Saves a 4-year-old Girl by hiding her Between its Legs to Protect Her From Others in Herd  

Forrest officials said that on Thursday, an elephant saved a 4-year-old girl who fell down from a scooter as other elephants were passing by in a herd. The incident happened in the Jalpaiguri (WB) District.

This incident took place on the NH (National Highway) 31 that is near the Garumara Forest, the girl with her family were riding a scooter and were returning to Lataguri after they offered a puja at a temple that was located inside the forest. The highway has divided the forest in two parts.

Nitu Ghosh the father of the girl and her mother Titly with Ahana the 4-year-old girl was on their way home when they had to stop after they saw herd of elephants crossing the highway. After some time, they thought that the herd has passed by and they continued the journey.

One thing they missed out was that some members of the herd were still left behind, and when they saw it Nitu Ghosh had to hit the brakes immoderately which caused the scooter to fall down.

One of the elephant from the herd came and stood over 4-year-old Ahana and kept her safe, as the herd continued to cross the national highway.

A couple of months ago, a tourist was killed and some attained serious injuries after the elephants passed by in the same area.

A truck driver, who saw the incident rushed and started to honk against the elephants to scare them away. The elephants left the highway immediately and Ahana rushed back to the arms of her mother.

The same truck driver helped the family and brought them to Lataguri. Nitu and his wife attained injuries and have been admitted to a nursing home that is located in Jalpaiguri.

Doctors from the nursing home said that the 4-year-old girl did not attain any injuries but got traumatized by what happened earlier. Ayan Chakraborty a Ranger of Garumara aid that elephants do hold their spots on highways as they move from one forest to other.

Aryan Chakraborty added that if ever the family called the forest department, they usually use firecrackers to scare the elephants away.