Group Of Gamers Book Entire Cinema Hall To Play Xbox On Big Screen

A group of gamers in Singapore booked an entire cinema hall so they could play Xbox on the big screen amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

Because the cinemas were closed amidst the pandemic, the group of gamers booked the entire cinema hall to play some of the games that they love.

32-year-old Les Yam, the man from Singapore, said that he and his other friends paid  £243 to reserve the cinema for three hours.

The incident happened in Singapore.

The gamer said that the entire incident was a once in a lifetime opportunity and they were just keen on making it happen.

Yam, who loves hiking and watching movies in the cinema, said that the 2 things that he loves to do the most were not allowed by the government because of the spread.

Because of a new leisure time activity that was allowed, he asked cinema operators if they would allow cinemas to be booked for private use.

Yam said:

I emailed all the cinema operators regarding the possibility of renting an entire cinema hall just for playing games. Out of the five cinema operators in Singapore, only one operator was able to make my request possible. The cinema responded to my email with two packages. Package A was SGD 435 (GBP 243) for three hours with free-flowing popcorn and drinks. Package B cost SGD 455 (GBP 254) for three hours with popcorn, drinks and choice of chips, wings or fries. We took package A.

The man was given permission to plug his Xbox One S console before he could book the cinema hall.

The cinema was in the Funan Mall.

Yam added:

Although the price wasn’t cheap, we didn’t regret spending the SGD 435 as the experience was epic and awesome. Games on the big screen and surround sound system made our gaming experience a truly unforgettable and immersive one. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime moment that we will never forget. The games we played were Tumblestone, Think of the Children, and Moving out. All three games allow up to four players. The reason we didn’t play the graphic intensive games on the big screen was that I wanted a lighthearted and friendly game so my friends could enjoy it, although I have to admit it was kind of regrettable not trying games like Call of Duty or Battlefield on the big screen. I would definitely try those games if I come back for the second time.” I would like to encourage all gamers around the world to give this a try if you haven’t because I have done it, my friends have done it, and we found it was worth every penny. Businesses are shutting down one by one and people are spending less time outside. Why not give yourself a chance to come together in a small group (with your mask on at all time of course) to show your support for your local businesses and at the same time to enjoy this moment of excitement and laughter with friends and family while the world continues to battle this relentless COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s bring hope and joy to one another during this difficult time.

What are your thoughts about what the group of friends did? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!