Hero Police Officer Saves Young Couple’s Baby After The Infant Nearly Choked To Death

A young couple from Perth witnessed the Christmas Miracle by themselves when a police officer saved their young infant from choking to death.

In a CCTV footage that was shared with the public, you can see 2 young parents running into the Perth Police Station in Northbridge on the evening of Christmas, as they looked for the right person who could help them save their baby’s life.

The incident happened by 11:30 pm on Christmas Eve.

A police officer saw that something was wrong and sprang into action.

The officer started to give back blows to the baby with hopes of clearing the airway of the baby.

The parents of the baby anxiously watched as the officer was performing the first-aid procedure on the baby at the entrance of the police station.

The police officer was able to successfully got rid of the object in the throat of the baby.

The actions of the officer saved the life of the baby.

The hero officer handed back to the parents, who can be seen relieved.

Police officers also taught the couple the things they should do if they face the same situation in the future.

Not all heroes wear capes! Thanks for your fast reaction random officer!