Kind-Hearted Garbage Pickup Men Surprise 3-Year-Old Boy With Truck Parade For His Birthday

A group of golden-hearted garbage truck drivers and trash pickers did everything they can to make the birthday of a 3-year-old boy extra special, making sure that he will never forget about it in his life.

The kind men surprised the 3-year-old boy with a truck parade for his 3rd birthday.

Wolfgang Reader, the 3-year-old boy, loves garbage trucks, and every Friday, he waits for the garbage workers to arrive.

Drew and DJ, the garbage workers, are extremely close to Reader.

Julia Wekhamp, the mother of Reader, shared a post on Facebook on September 9, 2020, saying that Drew and DJ always take time to talk with her son and check out the latest toy garbage truck that he has.

They also have popsicles and dances afterward from time to time.

On September 9 was the birthday of Wolfgang and because of the ongoing pandemic, the little boy was not allowed to invite a lot of kids so his parents asked him to only invite 1 or 2, and the little kid’s response was the best.

Julia said that without hesitating, Wolfgang said that he wanted to invite Drew and DJ for his birthday.

Talking about Wolfgang, Drew said:

Wolfy is a really great kid. I like that kid, man! We took a liking to him and he took a liking to us.

The sad part was that on the day of Wolfgang’s birthday, DJ was on vacation, but that did not stop them to celebrate the birthday of Wolfgang.

The post of the mother said that Drew arrived with a crew driving 4 trucks blaring their horns up on their street.

Wolfgang was speechless upon seeing the trucks and the best part is that everyone had gifts for the little kid.

The post of the mother continued:

Unfortunately, DJ is on vacation, but Drew arrived with a crew driving four trucks blaring their horns up our street! Wolfy was speechless. The boys came bearing gifts, howling out their windows, and took time to play with Wolfy. He even got to honk the horn! Does it get any better!? Mad respect to the solid crew at GFL Environmental, all the essential workers during this difficult time and to the kind souls who took their own personal time to make a little kid smile.

How did it happen?

Well, the grandmother of the little boy had a lot to do with the good news.

It is said that the grandmother of the boy wrote a letter to the City of Toronto, Canada, and said that her grandson is obsessed with garbage trucks. She requested Drew and DJ to come over for his birthday party at their house.

For 4 straight weeks, no one called them back, but on the big day of the boy, the supervisor of DJ and Drew dropped by.

The supervisor said that garbage trucks would be sent to help celebrate the birthday of the boy.

Such an amazing thing to do in rough times like these!