Before we eat fruits or cook the vegetables that we bought, we wash them thoroughly and make sure that they are free of worms.
But what do you exactly do if you find bugs, worms, or insects in them?
Most of us would freak out, but one lad from the United Kingdom did not and ended up doing something we would have never done.
According to Mirror UK, 27-year-old Sam Darlaston, an FM radio presenter, found 7 green caterpillars in packets of some broccoli that he purchased from the supermarket.
Instead of killing them, he named them Cedric, Janine, Slim Eric, Broc, Olly, Croc, and Carlos and become their ‘dad’.
Here is a threat of the story that Sam made on Twitter:
Talking about the caterpillars, Sam said:
I didn’t think they would survive if I put them outside straight away. I read that caterpillars only eat their host plant and I didn’t have any broccoli in the garden. So I thought, the best bet is to keep them with some broccoli and they can leave when they’re older.
The supermarket where Sam bought the broccoli released a statement about the incident, where they said:
It seems like a hungry caterpillar made its way into Sam’s broccoli. We’re really sorry about this and apologize to Sam for providing an accidental pet with his greens. We regularly test our fresh produce for quality but as we encourage our growers to move to more natural production methods and greatly reduce the application of pesticides, this can occasionally lead to the very odd insect being found.
The supermarket also gave him a gift card.