Man Spikes Chip With Ecstasy Pill Then Feeds It To Seagull

In a video that was shared by a twitter user on his personal account, it showed a man spiking a chip with an ecstasy pill then lets a seagull eat it as he watched.

Watch the entire video below:

The video was shared on the account of @connorb89493980 on Twitter.

In what appears to be a screen record of a video on Facebook, it shows a cruel man spiking an “ecstasy” pill into a chip before throwing it away towards a bunch of seagulls.

The video caused outrage on Twitter.

Here are some of the comments it got:

One user said, “This is absolutely awful what the f*ck”

A second user decided to tag the RSPCA

A third user said, “I’ve reported this video I just hope it’s taken down immediately. You might think it’s all s**** and giggles but it’s animal cruelty (or if fake at best it’s promoting animal-spiking behaviour). I’m just glad a major charity have seen this, gonna tag a few just in case.”

Another person wrote, “You can’t educate stupid !!!!!!”

A fifth user said, “Imagine even finding this amusing or taking the time to screen record animal cruelty. Be different if it was a dog. C**** c**** c****.”

@connorb89493980, the man who shared the video, said that the video is a screen record of a video that he saw on Facebook.

No one knows who the person in the video is and if it indeed was an ecstasy pill.