New Study Claims 8 Out Of 10 People Have Cried At Work

New study claims that 8 out of 10 people have cried at their work. The big question is, have you ever cried at work?

3000 workers took part in a poll that was done by job search company Monster, and it revealed that 45 percent of the workers cried because of their co-workers or bosses.

19 percent respondents admitted they cried due to personal and non-work related issues.

Over 15 percent of the respondents said they cried during work due to work overload.

13 percent of respondents said they cried at work due to workplace bullying.

Vicki Salemi, a career expert at Monster, said: “When you cry at work, that’s a sign of a toxic environment.”

Vicki added, “There are numerous jobs out there where you will be doing the opposite, feeling happy and accomplished.”

But even if someone admits that he or she has cried at work, it is still considered taboo or a divisive subject.