Pet Dog Goes Wild After Soldier Owner Mails Him His Stinky T-Shirt

You know how much your dog loves you and miss you if you go away from them, but what happens if you get deployed?

A deployed pet owner decided to mail his stinky t-shirt back home so his pet pooch could smell it and know he’s okay.

Brindle, the pooch, was once a shelter puppy and was adopted by JD and Rachel Aument. It did not take a long time before they became best-friends.

The owners had 2 other doggos, but everyone knew Brindle was really close with JD.

In 2018, JD was deployed, and his best pal Brindle became really sad.

It is reported that Brindle would look sad all the time and would often mourn while he patiently waited for his best pal to return.

After 9 months, JD decided to surprise his best pal by sending his stinky shirt back home so Brindle could smell it.

When his partner, Rachel, received the package and took out the shirt for Brindle.

Watch the reaction of Brindle below:

When Rachel handed the stinky shirt to Brindle, he sniffed it like a wild man and decided to roll on the shirt.

The video that was shared by Rachel has over 780k views, 1k likes, and over 100 shares on Facebook.

Rachel said Brindle refused to let go of the shirt and decided to cuddle it.