Photographer Captures Amazing Photos Of A Multi-Colored Malabar Giant Squirrel  

The Malabar Giant Squirrel is double the size of normal squirrels and can grow up to 36 inches, the Malabar Giant Squirrels are usually found in forests of India.

The Malabar giant squirrel is also known as the Indian giant squirrel, the rodent stands out from other species because of its coats with varying shades of purple, orange, and maroon.

The giant squirrel is known to be athletic, they can even leap 20 feet between trees.

39-year-old Kaushik Vijayan who lives in Kerala, India, is the photographer who captured the animal in its natural habitat.

39-year-old Vijayan said, “The response I see from the people on social media when I post a picture of the giant squirrels fuels my enthusiasm to go out there. It was when I shared some of the photographs on social media [that] many of my friends and followers came to know about the Malabar Giant Squirrel and they were all amazed by its appearance.”

He added, “Up until that point I had never heard about a squirrel like that or seen one. The sight was an absolute feast for my eyes. The squirrels fascinated me and I got excited to capture this beauty on my camera.”

Kaushik is a wildlife photographer who works in Saudi Arabia. He also has around 19,000 followers on Instagram, his unique photos have gathered thousands of likes and comments.