Playboy Model Takes Part In Nude Photoshoot With Sharks To ‘Break Taboos’

No, she didn’t, yes she did!

A playboy model is currently viral on the internet right now after she took part in a photoshoot that had sharks swimming around her, without any protection!

The model took part in a dramatic shoot with sharks in order to break taboos around sharks.

The woman just wanted to hit back at the bad reputation these creatures have.

Marisa Papen, who is from Belgium, went nude in front of numerous landmarks to challenge taboos around being naked.

She was also arrested after taking images at the Karnak Temple Complex near the Egyptian city of Luxor.

In the latest shoot that she carried out, the woman, who is now 28, swam with sharks off the coast of Hawaii.

During an interview with local news agencies about the nude photo-shoot that she carried out with sharks, the woman said:

It was one of the most peaceful experiences of my life being with the sharks. Being in their presence, I felt complete serenity. People ask me if I was scared, but actually, I was not scared at all. They were Galapagos sharks. There were also a couple of reef sharks around and one tiger shark that swam up to us, we didn’t get to photograph him though, he was in and out.

According to official reports about the photoshoot, the shoot happened at the end of the summer this year.

It was carried out off the island of Oahu in Hawaii.

The woman said that she took part in the challenge in order to change the perception of sharks and nudity.

The woman added:

The message is all about breaking stigmas and taboos. Nudity is seen as bad in our society, and so are sharks. Over the years, sharks have gained a bad reputation because of the film industry. I wanted to challenge viewers by looking at these magnificent creatures with a different eye.

The woman also talked about how she got ready for the photoshoot.

The model said she was meditating on the environment and was preparing herself to tap into the energy of the sea.

The woman added:

I had no clue what that would feel like since I had never swum with them before. I wasn’t going to wear any goggles because I didn’t want to be able to read their movements, I just had to trust I would be okay. After a couple of dives, I realised that their energy is actually so subtle, they are so at one with the ocean, I could barely feel their vibration. I’m inspired by everything I observe in nature. And being in my natural state makes it so much easier to connect with the natural elements. I’m driven by a will for a better planet – one of unity, equality and beauty.

It’s pretty wild if you think about it.

What are your thoughts about the photoshoot this playboy model carried out? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!