President Trump’s US-Mexico Border Wall Blows Over In High Winds

Newly installed panels on the border wall between Mexico and California were seen nearly falling over after heavy wind hit them.

On Wednesday this week, heavy winds resulted in several concrete panels on the border wall to fall over from the California side into the side of Mexico.

According to CNN, the panels were recently installed and the concrete of the panels didn’t dry out properly.

The Mexicali Police said that the portion of the wall, which is around 130 feet long, fell over the border and onto some of the trees that were on their side before noon of January 29, 2020.

According to the National Weather Service USA, winds in the area hit as high as 37 miles per hour that day.

Carlos Pitones, an agent with the Customs and Border Protection, said that the sections of the wall that fell over had recently been placed in a new concrete foundation that didn’t completely dry when the heavy winds hit the area.

Agent Pitones said they are grateful that no casualties, injuries, and property damages were sustained during the incident.

During the Presidential campaign of President Donald Trump in 2016, one of his key points was to build a wall on the US-Mexico border so they could stop illegal immigrants from coming into the country.

According to recent reports, smugglers and human traffickers are using $100 saws so they could cut through the invisible walls of Donald Trump.

Some of the people have figured out a way on how to climb around the walls, which the Trump administration calls “anti-climb panels”.