Red Wine Started To Come Out Of Kitchen Taps In Italian Village

Residents of a small Italian village witnessed a miracle a couple of days ago when they turned their taps on to see sparkling red wine coming out instead of crystal clear water.

Residents of a small village near Modena, which is located in the northern Emilia-Romagna region, had their dreams come true when they turned on their taps.

As most things like this are, it was just for a brief amount of time.

So what really happened?

A winery reportedly cocked up and ended up pumping a lot of wine into the local water system.

This allowed the residents of the small village to get some wine for a brief amount of time.

The incident affected the people that were living in the Castelvetro area of Modena.

It happened due to a technical fault at the nearby Setticani Winery.

One of the silos that the wine is stored in started to leak into the water pipes.

Because the wine was being stored at high pressure, it managed to run through the system and into the houses of the people that were living near the area.

After finding about the incident, the water board sent out technicians as quickly as possible to stop the problem.

According to reports, residents of the village bottled a lot of wine.

I would too, I would too.

After the incident, the local council issued an apology to the affected residents through a post that was made on Facebook.