Taiwanese Toddler Spins 100ft In The Sky After Getting Pulled By Large Kite

A 3-year-old Taiwanese girl was pulled into the sky by a large kite after a huge gust of wind was felt in Nanliao Harbor of Hsinchu City in Taiwan.

Lin, the 3-year-old girl, was present at the 2020 International Kite Festival when the kite pulled her into the sky.

The kite became tangled into the stomach of Ling and she was pulled into the sky right away.

Lin is now okay, she is suffering from minor scratches.

However, if you watch the video, it looks like she is being trampled in the air by the kite as everyone looked in shock.

A video of the incident was shared on social media, and it shows the girl swinging in the air for a number of seconds.

Someone got hold of the kite and pulled her down.

Lin was pretty high up, and you could see the kite twisted around her.

A lot of screaming and shouting could be heard, but luckily, a group of people caught the girl when she fell down.

Lin was sent to the hospital by the staff of the 2020 International Kite Festival event.

The mother of Lin confirmed that her daughter is okay.

Lin Chih-chien, the mayor of the city, issued an apology on Facebook for what happened in the incident.

Mayor Lin said that there will be a full investigation into the incident. The mayor of the city also said that they will be doing a number of things so they could prevent instances like these in future events.