Transgender Woman Shocks Pervert Who Sent Nudes By Sending A Picture Of Her “Much Bigger Penis”

A man who sent nudes to a woman, who is a transgender, was in shock after the woman sent a picture of her own much bigger penis.

20-year-old Faye Kinley from Glasgow was born as a male but identifies as a woman.

She is now being called as the girl with a penis on Social Media.

Earlier this week, Faye shared a short conversation with her and a random guy who sent her pictures of his penis.

Instead of ignoring the picture that the man sent, Faye decided to send a picture of her much bigger penis, which shocked the man.

Faye covered their bading-dongs with bread and an eggplant emoji

Her tweet currently has over 289,000 likes and over 62,000 retweets.

Faye said the man called her sexy before sending a picture of his penis.

Faye decided to shock the man by sending a picture of her penis.

The man, who is clearly in shock responded, “What the hell, why would you send me that.”

He added, “I’m blocking your number now. Bye. Delete this conversation.”

On her tweet, Faye said, “This random guy somehow got my number off here and sent me a dick pic and I guess he didn’t appreciate it when I sent a picture of mine back , worked like a charm.”

The man somehow managed to get the phone number of Faye from one of her social media accounts.

During her interview with the Sun, Faye said, “I think he found my number from my Facebook which has since been made private. And he just texted me out of the blue.”

She added, “I’ve received a fair few unsolicited pictures in the past, but for some reason it just occurred to me how funny it to be if I did exactly the same thing. His response was exactly as I expected it would be.”

She continued, “My number got blocked immediately and I still have no clue who this guy is!”

To brighten up your day, here are some of the comments people made after they saw the tweet of Faye on Twitter.

If someone sends unwanted genital pictures, you know what to do lads.