Ukrainian News Reporter Tries To Keep It Cool After Her Tooth Falls Out Live On-Air

A news reporter from Ukraine tried to keep it cool after her tooth feels out during a live news presentation.

Marichka Padalko, the news reporter, was covering the coronavirus crisis when the incident happened.

However, she handled everything like a true professional and even paused the broadcast for a bit.

When the tooth began to become loose and eventually fell, she lifted her hand up to her mouth and caught it without interrupting the report.

That’s a true news reporter right there.

The entire moment was caught on cam by Ekulka, a vlogger, and shared it on social media.

Marichka Padalko, a TSN presenter who is 44 years old, said:

Yes, I really lost part of my front tooth today during the live TSN broadcast at 9am. This is probably my most curious experience in 20 years as a presenter.

She later revealed that she accidentally damaged her teeth a decade ago in an accident.

Padalko said her daughter picked up an alarm clock from her bedroom when she was a baby and waved it around like a toy.

The child accidentally hurt the tooth of the mother in the incident.

What do you think about Padalko and how she managed the incident? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below!