Woman Discovers Extremely Rare Crystal That Looks Like Fried Chicken

Chicken or fried chicken is one of the best foods that we have come across. It’s tender, valuable, and extremely tasty.

However, a new gem that was discovered recently is putting the value of chicken in jeopardy.

A woman from Indiana, USA, discovered a rare and delicious looking crystal that looks like a fried chicken.

Yes, you read that right, a chicken.

Seriously, we are not kidding around and to prove that, here are the pictures of the crystal that was discovered.

Amelia Rude, who is from Bloomington, Indiana, went viral on social media over the weekend when she shared a picture of her unique looking crystal on social media.

If this gem was to star in a movie, it would go perfect in Uncut Gems, but instead of Kevin Garnett, Colonel Sanders would be the one that would be chasing it.

Okay back to the topic!

The images that Amber took were first shared on Garlic Powder, a page on Instagram, where it got over 50,000 retweets and over 280,000 favorites.

Talking about her find, Amber said:

Lots of crystals look surprisingly edible, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen such a convincing chicken tender before. Slices of rhodochrosite can look like like both ham and grapefruit, and dark pink rose quartz plays a good raw meat.

Amelia also posted a picture of the gem on the r/forbiddensnacks subreddit.

During an interview with UNILAD, she said:

I knew it played a pretty convincing fried chicken, so I expected it might get a thousand upvotes or so, but I was surprised when it took off the way that it did.

If you want to take a look at some of Amelia’s rare rocks, you can do by clicking here.