Woman Watching “How To Find Diamonds” Video On YouTube Finds 3.72 Carat Yellow Diamond Next To Her

A 27-year-old woman from Texas was watching a “How To Find Diamond” video on YouTube when she found a yellow diamond in a place where she was sitting.

27-year-old Miranda Hollingshead was at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas with her family when she made the discovery.

While taking a break at the base of a hill, Miranda decided to open up YouTube and search “how to find diamond” videos and started to watch them.

Before watching the video, Miranda checked on her child, and when she started to watch the video, she saw a small yellow diamond sticking out of the rocks.

At first, she thought it wasn’t real.

Miranda said, “I shook my hand across it to make sure what it was, picked it up, and yelled across the field to my mom, ‘I think I got one!'”

The Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas allows its visitors to find diamonds. The park is a big one and is 37.5 acres big.

The 3.72-carat yellow diamond is the largest found diamond in the park since March 2017.

A teenager found a 7.44-carat brown diamond in March 2017 at the park.