Young French Muslims Stand Outside Catholic Church Throughout The Night And Vow To Protect It After Deadly Attacks In France

Humanity is bigger than anything and the best proof of that is a story that we are about to bring you.

A team of young Muslims recently made headlines all over the world after they spent the night standing outside their town’s cathedral to protect it.

The group wanted to show solidarity and protect people that go to the church after the deadly attacks that were carried out in France.

If this does not unite us human beings, I do not know what will.

At the end of October this year, a number of deadly attacks were carried out in France, which includes an attack on Notre-Dame Basilica in Nice.

Elyazid Benferhat heard about these attacks and was sickened by the acts, where 3 people died.

He thought hard about how he could help, so he started to create a plan.

During an interview with AP (Associated Press), Elyazid said that he talked with his friend, a Muslim, and came up with an idea.

He said: “We needed to do something beyond paying homage to the victims. We said, we will protect churches ourselves.”

The group came up with such a good plan.

The good lad and his friends ended up gathering together young Muslims in their group and through the soccer club Benferhat.

On All Saints’ holiday weekend the group got coordinated with the local police and guarded their local church, which is located in Lodeve.

They did this on the evening of Saturday and again for the Mass on Sunday.

Luis Iniguez, the parish reverend, said that the kind act of the boys is a symbolic gesture that has him hope in such difficult times.

A local newspaper published a picture of churchgoers having their pictures taken by their new Muslim guards.

Iniguez also hung the image of the boys up in the 13th-century Saint-Fulcran Cathedral.

The group is not done yet.

The group said that they would want to do the same thing for the cathedral again for Christmas this year.

They also want other Muslims around the world to do the same thing to spread positivity.

Such an amazing thing to do in times like these!

What are your thoughts about the kind acts of the group? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comment section below!