10-Year-Old Boy Has 5ft Cable Removed From Bladder After Inserting It In Penis 5 Years Ago

A 10-year-old boy had to go through an emergency operation to get a charging cable removed from his bladder after he inserted it into his penis 5 years ago.

The 10-year-old boy, whose identity was not shared with the public, complained of pain and blood in his urine.

He was rushed to a hospital in Fuzhou, which is located in the Jiangxi Province of China, in May of this year.

Rao Pingde, a Urologist working at the Jiangxi Children’s Hospital, found a bundle of what looked like a rubber-coated copper wire inside the bladder of the boy.

It was discovered after a scan.

An operation was carried out on June 24, 2020, and it shows a doctor making a small incision on the child’s abdomen area where they inserted a pair of forceps and a camera to look where the wires are.

Dr. Rao found the charging cable, which was 5ft long.

Medics said that the wire had become tangled and it caused an infection in the bladder of the child.

Dr. Rao said that the wire that they found still had rubber on the outer casing.

He explained:

It was an electrical cable, but slightly thinner than a regular one. It was about three millimetres (0.11 inches) thick and 1.5 metres (5 feet) long. We’ve removed many objects from young patients in the past, but we’ve never seen anything like this. It was very surprising. I would never have imagined it.

According to the father of the boy, the 10-year-old boy inserted the cable up his penis when he was only 5.

He did not reveal why and the son did not share any details about the incident back then.

The 10-year-old boy is expected to make a full recovery from the operation.