Canadian Woman Saved By Her Breast Implants After They Deflect Bullet That Was Fired At Her Chest

A 30-year-old woman, whose identity was not shared with the public, was saved by her breast implants after they deflected a bullet that was fired at her chest.

The incident happened in Toronto, Canada.

The woman said she only realized that she had been shot after she felt pain and heat in her chest and she saw a lot of blood.

The victim was then rushed to the McLean Clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, where her breast implants were removed by the doctors.

Doctors said she was likely saved by her breast implants.

Her left implant managed to deflect the bullet and lodged it in her right breast.

It is said that this is the first recorded case of a breast implant altering a fired bullet.

Giancarlo McEvenue, the surgeon, talked about the woman and said:

“She was talking – the trauma team was in disbelief at how well she was. The bullet wound entry was on the left breast, but the rib fracture was on the right side. The bullet entered the skin on the left side first, and then ricocheted across her sternum into the right breast and broke her rib on the right side. The implant caused the change in the trajectory of the bullet.”

Dr. McEvenue said that the 30-year-old woman sustained a gunshot wound, broken ribs, and broken implants, which were removed.

Talking about the severity of the case, Dr. McEvenue said:

“On the left-hand side is the heart and lungs – if the bullet would have gone into the chest, she would have had a much more serious, possibly life-threatening injury.”

The surgeons handed over the bullet to the Toronto Police for a forensic exam, which could help them track the owner of the gun that fired the shot.

The shooter or the gun that was used is still being hunted by the police.