In Moscow, Winnie the Pooh Steals a Tourist’s Money

In Moscow, Winnie the Pooh Steals a Tourist's Money

In the event that you are walking around central Moscow, there’s a distant chance you’ve encountered one of the men spruced up as a Russian symbol or even a cherished animation legend. This Thursday, a traveler visiting Moscow from Ulyanovsk ran into simply such a group of costumed characters, and she seized the opportunity to take some group photographs. These Kodak minutes aren’t free, and she needed to pay for the photos.

The traveler later told police that she gave 5,000 rubles (about $85) to a man dressed as Winnie the Pooh, who vowed to run off and come back with smaller bills to give her change. Winnie, however, ran off and never returned.

Moscow police told the news organization Moskva that they’re as of now researching the burglary charges.