Man Tracks Down Wife’s Rapist, Chops His Penis, And Eats It In Front Of Him

A couple from Indonesia has been arrested by the police for chopping off the penis of a rapist and eating it in front of him.

30-year-old Rudi Efendi, a man from Indonesia, admitted that he murdered a man and eating his penis in front of the man.

Rudi said that he murdered a man after finding out that his wife was no longer a virgin on the night of their wedding.

The Indonesian couple reportedly cooked and ate the victim’s genitals in front of him.

Efendi said that he carried out the cannibalistic ritual to cure his heartache.

The body of the victim was found in a van, which was burned.

The van was found in Penumangan Lama, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Efendi carried out the attack after found out that his wife was raped 1 week before her wedding.

The police said that his wife, 20-year-old Nuriah, arranged a meeting with the rapist, who turns out to be a driver that she used to date.

The driver arrived at the meeting and was killed right away.

Efendi reportedly stabbed the man to death, chopped off his penis, ate it, and set the van on fire.

Upon finding, the police found that there was a wound on the ear of the driver, bruises on his head, and his genitals missing.

The investigating officers said that Efendi confessed that he murdered the driver and cut off his penis.

Efendi also told the police that he ate the penis of the man.

Efendi said that he acted alone in killing the victim.

The wife was there, however, Efendi insisted that he acted alone in the killing.

The man said he was extremely outraged after finding out that his wife was not a virgin.

While sharing the news, a local policewoman said, “The case is still under investigation but we strongly suspect that this is a premeditated murder.”

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