More Than 700 People In Iran Have Died After Consuming Poison Thinking It Could Cure Coronavirus

All over the world, people are coming up with home and other types of remedies that they claim can “cure” the coronavirus. But some of them are so bad that they are ending up killing hundreds of people.

A false belief in Iran has killed over 700 people, said an official on Monday.

The false belief that toxic methanol, which is found in car wipers and other products, has killed over 700 people in the country.

Hossein Hassanian, an adviser to the ministry, said that the numbers are probably higher because some of the victims died outside of the hospital.

During an interview with the Associated Press, Hassanian said that around 200 people died outside of the hospitals.

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, alcohol poisoning has skyrocketed by 10 times.

This is because people in Iran believe drinking alcohol can help them avoid catching the coronavirus or can cure the virus.

Between February 20, 2020, and April 7, 2020, around 728 Iranians have died due to alcohol poisoning.

Kianoush Jahanpour, the Iranian health ministry spokesman, said that 525 people have died from swallowing toxic methanol alcohol since February 20, 2020.

It is said that a total of 5,011 people have been poisoned from methanol alcohol.

90 people in the country have lost their eyesight or are currently suffering eye damage from alcohol poisoning.