People Are Too Poor To Have Sex in Venezuela As They Can’t Even Afford Condoms

People Are Too Poor To Have Sex in Venezuela As They Can't Even Afford Condoms

The financial emergency in Venezuela is awful to such an extent that a few couples can’t stand to engage in sexual relations. A few Venezuelans are too poor to even think about having sex as they can’t manage the cost of condoms, hotels, or contraceptives.

As per an AFP report, a container of three condoms costs $2 (Rs 142) in Venezuela, a month-long inventory of contraception pills can be $8 (Rs 570), and lodging in Caracas costs $10 (Rs 713) for six hours. The lowest pay permitted by law in Venezuela is somewhat over $6 (Rs 428).

Over this, most brokers there like to bargain in dollars than local currency bolivar, which is in a downtrend. However, most needy individuals don’t have any dollars.

Accordingly, couples are forced to either sneak into their folks’ homes or go into sexual hibernation by and large.

People Are Too Poor To Have Sex in Venezuela As They Can’t Even Afford Condoms

Reports notice Amanda and John, who clearly sneak to their folks’ homes when they need a personal minute as they can’t manage the cost of lodging. Carlos goes into sexual hibernation during monetarily weak months. Oriana, then again, gets her contraceptives on the bootleg market for a little money.

Venezuela has been in a monetary emergency throughout recent years, and apart from keeping down monetarily, Individuals now need to address the cost of affection.

A large portion of the professionals and educated individual class has fled the nation as the crises have no signs of solving in the near future.