Vegan Mother Drinks Sperm Smoothies 3 Times Per Week Claiming They Boost Immunity

A mother from Buckinghamshire is keeping the novel coronavirus away by drinking smoothies that contain the semen of her boyfriend.

Tracy Kiss, the 32-year-old vegan mother, believes the semen of her boyfriend helps to give her immune system a boost.

She believes the semen will help her fight the coronavirus.

Kiss, a mother of 2, says she began drinking the sperm smoothies 3 years ago.

The 32-year-old mother, who is from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, claims she has not had a cold or flu in the last 3 years.

But there is no medical evidence that backs up her theory.

Kiss says that drinking it is no different from breastfeeding.

Tracy drinks the sperm smoothie at least 3 times per week.

Talking about her unusual routine, Tracy said:

I found a free and vegan-friendly alternative method to boost the body’s immune system. You don’t always know what is in pharmaceutical medicine – it is much better for the body to drink something that doesn’t contain chemicals. It isn’t much different to a mother breastfeeding her newborn to give them the nutrients they need. It isn’t for everyone but it is packed full of vitamins and I haven’t had a cold or flu ever since drinking it in 2017 – I also put it on my face to clear up my skin. It is best to consume semen as close to production as possible to get the most nutrients and benefits. But I often store it in the freezer in an ice cube tray as my partner, who does not wish to be named, and I are in a long distance relationship. The quantity depends on how hydrated my boyfriend is on the day.

She also said that she can’t taste the semen because she uses fresh berries, bananas, and other fruits.

She added:

It is just another natural remedy but completely free – you don’t have to have a partner, you could just ask a male friend who is healthy. Most people think I am joking because it seems too good to be true that I am being so open about a ‘taboo’ subject but I am not. I am going against societies ‘norm’ to educate and help other people who are missing out on nutrients. I want to make a difference which is why I am sharing this home remedy.

Pam Vallely, a Professor and a medical virologist at the University of Manchester, says there is no scientific proof that semen could help boost immunity and the other claims of the vegan mother.

During an interview with UNILAD, Professor Vallely said:

Seminal plasma, the fluid that surrounds sperm does affect the immune system, but its role is to suppress and modulate the immune system in and around the cervix to prevent the mother’s immune cells from rejecting the father’s sperm as a foreign antigen. It contains prostaglandins and polyamides which are known immunosuppressants. So if anything it would dampen the immune response not improve it. Seminal fluid does contain vitamin C and zinc amongst other things, but the amounts that would be present in a shot of semen in a smoothie would be insignificant in boosting immunity. The fruit and vegetables in the rest of the smoothie are very probably doing the immune system a lot of good, so by all means have a smoothie, but leave out the semen!

True or not, I don’t think sperm will do anything.