World’s Oldest Biological Colors found in the Sahara Desert

A team of Australian Scientist found the world’s oldest natural color in the Sahara desert. They said the find had helped them to understand why these complex lifeform on Earth. That has emerged on Earth recently.



 What produced the oldest color?

The pink color pigment, according to the scientist were produced by microscopic organisms cyanobacteria. It is said to more than 1.1 billion years ago. Compared to the last color pigment, it is around 500 million years older.
Making the pigment a significant fifteen times older than Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur species.

Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Moreover, researchers said the latest find had helped them better to understand the mystery of how mature plant and animal life came into existence. Which was around 600 years ago.

What do Researchers say previously?

Before these finds, the researchers previously argued that a low level of oxygen in the atmosphere. Held back evolution. The complicated life form was held back regarding development. However, the find of these cyanobacteria which were present at such an early age. To a scientist, it suggested that the organisms had a lot more plentiful food. Which brought them to the conclusion of foods like algae.



“Algae, although still microscopic, are a thousand times larger in volume than cyanobacteria, and are a much richer food source,” Brocks told AFP.

According to scientists, around 650 million years ago. Algae began to spread rapidly like a wildfire. Which provided the energy life needed for the evolution. Even though the oxygen level was not proper for it at the moment.

What are these pigments?

According to the study, these pigments are nothing but fossilized relics of chlorophyll. This chemical allows and helps plants and few other microscopic life forms. To turn light into energy.

According to the researchers, the pink colored pigment they found. Formerly had been blue-green to human eyes. However, over the time period of so many years. Now, it appears as pink to the human eye.



All these findings were published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. A journal where this kind of conclusions is often published. It was published on Tuesday.

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