Skull of Rare Elephant Ancestors Surfaced in France

As per reports, a farmer in France has found a skull. Also, it wasn’t any skull, and it was a rare skull of elephant ancestors. While he had found it all the way back in 2014. While he was busy working on his land when he came across it. He was living in Village, L’lsle-en-Dodon.



What do the experts say?

As per experts and reports, the farmer kept quiet for all this year. After he found something so rare. The skull is first ever seen the skull of Pyrenean mastodon. He was worried that paleontologists would overrun his farm. He kept quiet for two years until he finally contacted the museum.

After which museum said, it was only when they went there. Moreover, saw how much rare the find was. They said they didn’t realize the value of the discovery until they saw it.

The gomphotheriid pyrenaicum is a kind of elephant which has four tusks. Which has measured 80 centimeters? The four tusks were placed as two on the lower jaw. Two on the upper jaw.
It’s so rare that there were not much of evidence that such elephant has roamed this earth at some point.



Whatever was found before this in the name of evidence of such a creature. Was four teeth which were found in the same are all the way back in 1857.

The skull was partly encased in rock. Which they brought to the laboratory for the further process of finding everytime they could from the skull.

What do experts say after the foundation?

The experts said since they found the skull now. They are working on putting a face to the unique elephant. Which before the find was only imaginable. With no evidence to point exactly how it had looked. This discovery had helped them a lot they said. The skull has given the exact measurements of the bones and everything. Which is enabling them to make exactly how it would have looked.



As per reports, the experts have already done the part half. So it is supposed to be completed by six to nine months of time. Which is a fantastic breakthrough?

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