Work Less Get More, New Zealand Firm Finds A Method To Increase Productivity

The most important thing for any business is to manage the working hours of their employees. Because it’s the only way to increase productivity which automatically increases revenue.



For this very purpose, one of the firms of New Zealand tried to do something. Let’s find out what they did?

For reducing the stress level and increase productivity of the employees, one of the firms based in New Zealand named Perpetual Guardian was introduced a six-week programme. The basic idea of this programme is that all the employees of the firm worked only four hours a day. The exciting thing is that management pay them for five hours.

This programme motivates employees in both the ways Financially and psychologically. This programme puts a positive impact on the management of the firm. Even after working for 4 hours the productivity is like they are working for 7 hours. Such a program helps both management and employees.

Statement of Andrew Barnes

Andrew Barnes who is the founder of this firm stated that the initiative which was taken by the management and directors of the firm was successful memory segment. Not only this even the management votes just after ending a six-week programme to make it a permanent policy.



Firm consist of 230 employees. The firm gives one month to all the employees for creating productivity measures. Productivity measures are necessary because now the employees have to work only for 24 hours a week, but they have to complete their work according to 8 hours a day.

According to the founder of firm Andrew, after the completion of the 6-week trial, we found that the profits and revenue of the firm remained the same.

He also stated that the benefits of this very program are far more comprehensive than people think. Perpetual guardian follows all the requirements for making this model successful. For this, the firm hired professional researchers to analyze each and every impact of this model so that, the programme will move according to the directions of Management.



The primary reason for the form for implementing this model is to reduce the stress level of employees so that the productivity will absolutely increase in a right direction.

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