BTEUP Polytechnic Diploma Semester Admit Card 2017 Hall Ticket Released @ bteup.ac.in For Even Sem
The Board of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh (UPBTE) is going to conduct Diploma even semester examination in the month of May/ June 2017. A huge number of candidates who are studying the same are searching for the BTEUP Diploma even sem admit card as it is the crucial document to carry for the exam and contains details regarding exam venue, roll number etc. BTEUP released Diploma Semester Hall Tickets 2017. Students can download admit card from the direct link provided below.
BTEUP Diploma Even Sem Admit Card 2017:
Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education (UPBTE or BTEUP) is the board which provides technical education to students in Uttar Pradesh, India, after completing their junior engineer course. The course is a three-year & part time(Four-year) diploma program, also called the three-year diploma. Students must have completed high school. BTEUP is mostly affiliated with government colleges and a few private colleges. There are over 30 trades offered in group A, such as like computer science, IT, mechanical, electrical, electronics, automobile, and civil.
This year it is going to conduct Diploma even sem exams and the candidates who are studying can download admit card from the official website.
Uttar Pradesh Polytechnic Semester Admit Card 2017:
The admit cards for the UP Polytechnic sem exams were released. Students can download admit card from the direct link provided below. Without admit card candidate is not allowed to write the exam.
Name of the Organization: Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education (BTEUP)
Name of the Exam: Polytechnic Diploma Even Sem
Category: Admit Card
Release of Admit Card: Released
Steps to Download BTEUP Polytechnic Admit Card 2017:
- Visit the official website or the direct link provided below.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on BTEUP Even sem admit card 2017.
- Enter institution code and other required details in the provided fields.
- Click on submit button.
- The admit card will appear on the screen.
- Download/ Take a printout for further reference.
>>Download BTEUP Polytechnic Diploma Admit Card Here<<
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